Doctor Richard Uniacke Townsend (517)

Date of Birth: 1800
Date of Death: dvp 6 Dec 1843
Generation: 6th
Residence: Queenstown (Cobh) & Fernhill (Betsborough), Co Cork
Father: Thomas Townsend [509]
Mother: Uniacke, Martha
  1. Mackiness, Katherine
  2. Newman, Mary
    • Thomas [527]
    • Adam Newman [528]
    • Samuel [529]
    • Doctor Richard Newman [530]
    • Robert Uniacke FitzGerald [531]
    • Katherine [532]
See Also: Table V ; Scrapbook ; Lineage ; Ancestors' Tree ; Descendents' Tree

Notes for Doctor Richard Uniacke Townsend MD

Married 1st, 4 July 1826. Katherine Mackiness (1) was the daughter of J Mackiness of London. Married 2nd, 22 September 1829. Mary Newman (2) was the second daughter of Adam Newman (3) of Dromore House (4), Mallow, Co Cork, whose mother was Mary Townsend [605] and whose sister, Frances Newman, married Samuel Philip Townsend [6A03]. See Burke's Irish Landed Gentry 1912 - Bramston-Newman of Castlefield.

Alumni Trinity College Dublin from Co Cork and Kerry 1593-1860 in Dr Casey's Collection records that Richard was taught by Mr Hopley before he entered Trinity College, Dublin, on 5 January 1818 aged 17 as a pensioner who paid a fixed sum annually for his studies. The TCD Graduation List records that he qualified BA in Spring 1822 and MA in Winter 1832. Richard Townsend [236], Chambre Corker Townsend [5D01], Richard Townsend [513], Horatio Townsend [5D02] and Horatio Townsend [623] were undergraduates at Trinity at the same time. Chambre Corker Townsend [5D01], Horatio Townsend [5D02] and Thomas Townsend [6B03] read for their MA in the same year as Richard.

Evidence about Richard's career and domicile is confusing and slightly contradictory; it would seem that either there is another 'Dr Richard Townsend' of similar vintage, but with no connection to the family, or Richard was busily engaged during his short life in both Cork and Dublin.

The Treble Almanac of 1832 incorporating Wilson’s Dublin Directory records on page 40 that ‘Townsend (Rd.) MD was living at 4 Merrion Square in Dublin. His uncle, John Sealy Townsend [507] was living at 24 Merrion Square at the time. Page 186 of the Directory also shows that Richard was a Fellow of 'The King and Queen's College of Physicians'. The baptismal record for his son Robert Uniacke FitzGerald Townsend [531] shows that Richard was living in Upper Mount Street, Dublin in 1838 which is very close to Merrion Square. Page 136 of the County and City of Cork Post Office General Directory 1842-43 shows Richard living at “Fernhill, Mallow”.

In his family pedigree John FitzHenry Townshend [250] shows Richard as a doctor who practiced in Cobh (Queenstown) and died there of a fever. Richard's inclusion in the list of subscribers to 'Samuel Lewis. Topographical Dictionary 1837' - "Townsend, Richard, Esq., M.D., Merville, Cove, co. Cork" – reflects this.

The Southern Reporter and Cork Commercial Courier of 7 February 1829 reports a meeting of ‘Members of the Medical Profession’ at the Council Chambers, Cork on 6 February at which they publicly disavowed an allegation made in the press that a “Physician in this city has, during the winter season, been engaged in the sale and exportation of human bodies”. Richard was elected, along with six other doctors, to a committee to investigate the matter and report back to the meeting the following week.

The Southern Reporter and Cork Commercial Courier of 29 October 1835 reports the establishment of new facilities at Cork School of Physic and Surgery and publishes classes for the session of 1835: “Anatomy, Physiology and Surgery with Demonstrations and Dissections by Doctors Woodroffe and Townsend: Practical Anatomy with Doctors Townsend and Bull.” This refers to Richard or Edward Richard Townsend [6C00]. A copy of the article is reproduced in his ‘Scrapbook’

In his book 'A Scottish Whig in Ireland 1835-1838' Robert Graham of Redgorton describes his visit to Cobh where he stayed for a week in July 1835 with Horatio Townsend [6B01], who was then living at Belgrove on the north east corner of the Island. Whilst there he called on Richard on 19 July and wrote "Mr Townsend and I went to church.....and on our return paid a visit to Dr Townsend, who is a very clever and scientific man and in great practice at Cove.....Dr Townsend is very keenly engaged in preparations for the scientific meeting in Dublin, being one of the committee. He was in Scotland and Edinburgh several years ago and assisted Hooker (5) in discovering a new moss somewhere in the highlands." The reference to a 'scientific meeting in Dublin' ties in with the 1832 Treble Almanac references above.

In an undated letter to Dorothea, wife of Richard Baxter Townsend [5D15], the Reverend HJ Fleming, Dean of Cloyne, describes Richard as "a very famous his day one of the best authorities on diseases of the chest."(5a)

The Tithe Applotment Books in the National Archives of Ireland were compiled between 1823 and 1837 in order to determine the amount which occupiers of agricultural holdings over one acre should pay in tithes to the Church of Ireland. An 1834 entry for the Parish of St Nicholas, Cork shows Richard owning just over one of land rated at eight shillings and four pence in the townland of Knockrea. The 1829 entry for the Gurtroe Ploughland in the Parish of Kilmacabea shows a 'Richard Townsend' owning 8 acres with a rateable value of 4 shillings. This entry more probably refers to Dr Richard Townsend [315].

The entry on page 290 of 'Colonel Grove White's Notes' 1906-1915, Volume I, records that Richard moved to Betsborough, in the Parish of Kilshannig near Mallow, in 1839 and died there in 1843 – "Betsborough, now called Fern Hill by the present occupier, is a good dwelling-house, the residence of Dr. Townsend. There is some ornamental ground surrounding the house. Dr. Richard Townsend, eldest son of Thomas Townsend, of The Retreat, Mallow, lived here from 1839 to 1843, when he died.” (6) (6a) The same Volume records on page 172 "Ballygarrett, a middle- sized townland, more than one-third demesne, rest void of ornament. Is nearly all arable. It contains a gentleman's house and portion of the river Blackwater. A remarkable rock on its bank, and a piece of rough pasture. Dr. Townsend, occupant." Ballygarret is close to Betsborough and it is possible to speculate that Richard lived in the former place before he moved to the latter. The Directory for Mallow on page 300 of Aldwell's General Directory 1844-45 records "Townsend, Dr. Richard, Fern Hill".

The book ‘ Picturesque Views of the Antiquities of Ireland’ by James Harding, from the sketches of Robert Newenham, published by Thomas and William Boone, Strand, London, in 1830 shows the following members of the family amongst the list of subscribers. Thomas Townsend Esq. Mallow, Richard Townsend Esq. MD. Clare Street and John Sealy Townsend Esq. M.Cy. Merrion Square. (John Sealy and Thomas were brothers and Richard was the son of the latter.)

Rather contrarily, the inscription on Richard’ headstone (7) in Killeens Cemetery, Mallow (8) reads – “Richard Townsend of the City of Dublin Esq M.D.”

Mary married 2nd, 26 April 1848, her cousin Rev Adam Newman Beamish.(9) He was born at Bandon in 1815 and was educated in Cork by Hamblin and Porter. Adam entered Trinity College, Dublin, on 22 October 1832 and graduated BA 1837. He was appointed Deacon in 1839 at Cork and Priest at Killaloe in 1840. His clerical appointments were, 1848, Curate of Odcombe, Somerset; 1856, Curate of Romsey, Hants; 1858, Incumbent of Studley, Wells; 1859, Rector of Kimble, Bucks. On 23 September, 1863, Adam was admitted to Templenecarrigy (Treasurership of Cloyne). Mary and Adam had a son, William Henry Beamish of Brooklodge House, Glanmire, Co Cork. Adam wrote The Christian Visitor’s Companion, Wertheim, 1858, London.

Seven members of the family practiced medicine in Cork and Queenstown during the 19th and early part of the 20th centuries. Richard Townsend [517] 1800-1843; Edward Richard Townsend [6C00] 1800-1878; Richard Newman Townsend [530] 1835-1877; Edward Richard Townsend [6C04] 1838-1897; Richard Hungerford Townsend [5A02] 1845-1922; Normnan Ian Townsend [6C18] 1869-1921 and Thomas Henry Denny Townsend [5A10] 1876-1952. In addition 'Townsends' from another family practiced at roughly the same time; notably Dr William C Townsend and Dr Horace R Townsend.

(1) Katherine was born in 1796 and died without issue on 9 August 1828.

(2) Mary was born in 1808. See BMD records in Mallow Heritage Centre.

(3) The entry for Newman (Dromore) in the University of Galway Irelands Landed Estates and Historic Houses records "This family came from Wincanton, Somerset to county Cork in the mid 17th century and Richard Newman was granted the castle and lands of Drumneen and other lands in the locality, as the manor of Newbury/Newberry, by patent of James II. These lands were formerly in the possession of Sir Richard Kyrle. Richard's grandson Adam Newman purchased the nearby Dromore estate and left this estate to his nephew also named Adam. This second Adam eventually succeeded to both estates. Brady writes that the Dromore estate was purchased by Mr Newman of Newbury from his brother in law Peter Graham. At the time of Griffith's Valuation a descendant, another Adam Newman, held at least 16 townlands in the parish of Kilshannig, barony of Duhallow. John A. R. Newman of Dromore owned 6,146 acres in the 1870s while his cousins Adam Newman of Monkstown Castle owned 3,527 acres and Henry Newman of Betsborough owned 877 acres, all in county Cork."

(4) 'Landowners of Ireland, Co Cork 1876' shows John Newman owning 6146 acres at Dromore valued at £3,375. The ‘1834 Tithe Applotment' for the Parish of Kilshannig, Co. Cork’ shows “Dromore House, Adam Newman Esq. 277 acres”.

(5) Sir William Jackson Hooker (1785-1865) Regius Professor of Botany at Glasgow and later Director at Kew Gardens.

(5a) RBT Papers 509/1

(6) The entry for Fern Hill (Betsborough) in the University of Galway Landed Estates Database records "Smith records Cornelius Townshend as resident at Betsborough circa 1750. Hajba writes that it was a Townsend property from the early 18th century and birthplace of the United Irishman, Thomas Russell, executed in 1803. The house, on the outskirts of the village of Drommahane, was originally known as Bettesborough (or Besborough) and a Magner occupied a house of this name in 1837. The Reverend Philip Townsend held the house valued at £21+ from William Magner in the early 1850s. In June 1881 the house and demesne of Fernhill were advertised for sale. Barclay Corrie was the owner, holding on a lease dated 1863 from Richard John Perry to Michael Joseph Magnier. The house was demolished in the early 20th century and a new house built on the site."

(6a) Cornelius Townsend [128] lived at Betsborough from 1730 to 1755 and the Rev Philip Townsend [613], vicar of Kilcorney, lived there after he left Gurtmore Cottage and after Richard's death He remained there until he died in 1853. A full chronological history of Betsborough can be seen in Cornelius Townsend's [128] 'Scrapbook'

(7) The full inscription on his headstone reads - "Underneath are deposited the remains of Catherine Townsend, Beloved wife of Richard Townsend of the City of Dublin Esq MD. She departed this life Aug 9th 1828 aged 32 years. Also the remains of the said Richard Townsend Esq MD who entered into the rest that remaineth for the people of God Decr 6th 1843 aged 43 years." 'Behold I will allure thee & bring thee into the wilderness, speak comfortably unto thee'. Hosea 2.14. 'I am the resurrection and the life. He that believeth in me though he were dead shall he live.' John 11.25.

(8) There is a strong 'Mallow' connection here. Richard's father lived in Mallow until he moved to Dublin as Examiner to his brother, John Sealy Townsend [507]. Richard's brother Thomas Uniacke Townsend [5A00] was ordained Deacon at Dromore, Mallow, in 1837. Richard's son, Dr Richard Newman Townsend [530] was living at Glountane Cottage, near Mallow in 1863 and appears to have practiced there before he moved to Cobh.

(9) Adam’s biographical details can be seen in Reverend John Harding Cole's Church and Parish Records of the United Diocese of Cork, Cloyne and Ross 1863-1903 on page 251.