Michael Hugh Crofton Townshend (5B37)

Date of Birth: 1939
Date of Death: 2007
Generation: 9th
Residence: Lowdale Farm, Mazowe Valley, Zimbabwe
Father: Ralph Obre Crofton Townsend [5B34]
Mother: Brooks, Annabelle Patricia
  1. Glanfield, Catherine
  1. Bryan Crofton [5B41]
  2. Mark Crofton [5B42]
  3. Anna Obre Crofton [5B43]
See Also: Table VB ; Lineage ; Ancestors' Tree ; Descendents' Tree

Notes for Michael Hugh Crofton Townsend

Following the death of his father in 1974, Michael worked the family farm at Lowdale in the Mazowe Valley, Zimbabwe, established by his grandfather, Thomas Crofton Townsend [5B15] in 1901.

Following Michael's death in 2007, Catherine married Ev Cock, a veterinary surgeon, on 26 September 2009 and lives (2009) in Harare.