Weekly Update Sep 2 2016, 07:36

I've let madstar lapse for a while. What have I been up to? Here's an update of my activity for the week ending September 2, 2016:

New MESA movies Oct 8 2013, 09:06

The MESA logo

Yesterday I uploaded a new set of stellar evolution movies, based on models calculated using MESA. Although still a work-in-progress, these are a big improvement on my old EZ-Web movies, and I hope eventually to build up a complete library showing stars' evolution from cradle to grave.

Dispatches from the Code Front Sep 19 2013, 10:41

Cutaway of an oscillating star

I thought I'd post some news on the code development front. So, in brief:

New SDK's all round! Jul 24 2013, 19:17

I've just updated both the MESA SDK and the Mad SDK. Both now use the latest (July 24 2013) trunk version of gcc/gfortran, which includes support for Fortran 2003 finalization (nice!) and a fix to a rather nasty memory leak which was plaguing the MESA-GYRE interface. Also, I've hacked the ODEPACK library bundled with the Mad SDK so that it behaves nicely when used with OpenMP.

GYRE is Here Jun 26 2013, 04:10

Cutaway of an oscillating star

As I mentioned the a post below, last month I released the first public version of GYRE, the new oscillation code suite I've been developing with Seth Teitler. From the blurb in the abstract of the paper discussing GYRE:

We present a new oscillation code, GYRE, which solves the stellar pulsation equations (both adiabatic and non-adiabatic) using a novel Magnus Multiple Shooting numerical scheme devised to overcome certain weaknesses of the usual relaxation and shooting schemes appearing in the literature. The code is accurate (up to 6th order in the number of grid points), robust, efficiently makes use of multiple processor cores and/or nodes, and is freely available in source form for use and distribution. We verify the code against analytic solutions and results from other oscillation codes, in all cases finding good agreement. Then, we use the code to explore how the asteroseismic observables of a 1.5 M star change as it evolves through the red-giant bump.

So, there you have it. Work is now underway to develop GYRE further on a number of fronts, including refinement of the entropy calculation in the non-adiabatic code; inclusion of the Coriolis force due to rotation; and integration into MESA's asteroseismic module. Full source code, documentation and related resources can be found here.

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