MSG Grid Files

Multidimensional Spectral Grids (MSG) is a software package for interpolating spectra and colors in pre-computed grids. Due to their large size and gradually evolving content (as improvements are made), grid data files files are not shipped as part of the MSG git repository; rather, they are hosted separately on this page.

OSTAR2002 Grids

The OSTAR2002 grids are based on the line-blanketed O-star model atmospheres published in Lanz & Hubeny (2003). Spectra are calculated from these atmospheres using SYNSPEC, and their angle dependence parameterized with the CLARET limb-darkening law.

File Current Version Old Versions Resolution λ Range Photospheric Parameters
sg-OSTAR2002-low.h5 (50MB) v1 R=1000 [880Å, 5μm] Teff, log(g), Z/Zo
sg-OSTAR2002-medium.h5 (447MB) v1 R=10000 [880Å, 5μm] Teff, log(g), Z/Zo
sg-OSTAR2002-high.h5 (4.2GB) v1 R=100000 [880Å, 5μm] Teff, log(g), Z/Zo

The definitions and ranges of the photospheric parameters are as follows:

BSTAR2006 Grids

The BSTAR2006 grids are based on the line-blanketed B-star model atmospheres published in Lanz & Hubeny (2007). Spectra are calculated from these atmospheres using SYNSPEC, and their angle dependence parameterized with the CLARET limb-darkening law.

File Current Version Old Versions Resolution λ Range Photospheric Parameters
sg-BSTAR2006-low.h5 (77MB) v1 R=1000 [880Å, 5μm] Teff, log(g), Z/Zo
sg-BSTAR2006-medium.h5 (693MB) v1 R=10000 [880Å, 5μm] Teff, log(g), Z/Zo
sg-BSTAR2006-high.h5 (6.5GB) v1 R=100000 [880Å, 5μm] Teff, log(g), Z/Zo

The definitions and ranges of the photospheric parameters are as follows:

C3K Grids

The C3K grids are based on the data described in section 5.4 of Choi et a. (2016), kindly shared by the MIST team. The angle dependence of spectra is parameterized with the CONST limb-darkening law.

Note: currently there are some voids in the C3K grids that can cause interpolation to fail. We are looking into ways to repair these holes, and will release a new set of grids if successful.

File Current Version Old Versions Resolution λ Range Photospheric Parameters
sg-C3K-coarse.h5 (1.5GB) v1 Variable;
R=3000 in optical
[100Å, 9000Å] Teff, log(g), [Fe/H], [alpha/Fe]

The definitions and ranges of the photospheric parameters are as follows:

CAP18 Grids

The CAP18 grids are based on the data published in Allende Prieto et al. (2018) (the letters ‘CAP’ are the initials of the first author). The angle dependence of spectra is parameterized with the CONST limb-darkening law.

File Current Version Old Versions Resolution λ Range Photospheric Parameters
sg-CAP18-large.h5 (73GB) v2 v1 R=10000 [1300Å, 6.5μm] Teff, log(g), [Fe/H], [alpha/Fe], log(xi)
sg-CAP18-coarse.h5 (339MB) v2 v1 R=10000 [1300Å, 6.5μm] Teff, log(g), [Fe/H]
sg-CAP18-high.h5 (2.9GB) v2 v1 R=100000 [1300Å, 6.5μm] Teff, log(g), [Fe/H]
sg-CAP18-ultra.h5 (5.2GB) v2 v1 R=300000 [1300Å, 6.5μm] Teff, log(g), [Fe/H]

The definitions and ranges of the photospheric parameters are as follows:

Coelho14 Grids

The Coelho14 grids are based on the data described in Coelho (2014) and available for download from The angle dependence of spectra is parameterized with the CONST limb-darkening law.

File Current Version Old Versions Resolution λ Range Photospheric Parameters
sg-Coelho14-HighRes.h5 (2.1GB) v1 Δλ=0.02Å [2500Å, 9000Å] Teff, log(g), [Fe/H], [alpha/Fe]
sg-Coelho14-SED.h5 (32MB) v1 R=518 [1300Å, 100μm] Teff, log(g), [Fe/H], [alpha/Fe]

The definitions and ranges of the photospheric parameters are as follows:

Göttingen Grids

The Göttingen grids are based on the data described in Husser et al. (2013) and available for download from The angle dependence of spectra is parameterized with the CONST limb-darkening law.

Alpha-dependent Grids

File Current Version Old Versions Resolution λ Range Photospheric Parameters
sg-Goettingen-HiRes-alpha.h5 (96GB) v3 variable [500Å, 5.5μm] Teff, log(g), [Fe/H], [alpha/Fe]
sg-Goettingen-MedRes-A-alpha.h5 (4.9GB) v3 Δλ=1Å
(×10 oversampled)
[3000Å, 1μm] Teff, log(g), [Fe/H], [alpha/Fe]
sg-Goettingen-MedRes-R-alpha.h5 (15GB) v3 R=10000
(×10 oversampled)
[3000Å, 2.5μm] Teff, log(g), [Fe/H], [alpha/Fe]

The definitions and ranges of the photospheric parameters are as follows:

Solar-alpha Grids

File Current Version Old Versions Resolution λ Range Photospheric Parameters
sg-Goettingen-HiRes.h5 (32GB) v3 v2 variable [500Å, 5.5μm] Teff, log(g), [Fe/H]
sg-Goettingen-MedRes-A.h5 (1.7GB) v3 v2 Δλ=1Å
(×10 oversampled)
[3000Å, 1μm] Teff, log(g), [Fe/H]
sg-Goettingen-MedRes-R.h5 (4.8GB) v3 v2 R=10000
(×10 oversampled)
[3000Å, 2.5μm] Teff, log(g), [Fe/H]

The definitions and ranges of the photospheric parameters are as follows:


The SPHINX grids are based on the data described in Iyer et al. (2023) and available for download from The angle dependence of spectra is parameterized with the CONST limb-darkening law.

File Current Version Resolution λ Range Photospheric Parameters
sg-SPHINX.h5 (113MB) v1 R=250 [1000Å, 19.9μm] Teff, log(g), [F/H], C/O

The definitions and ranges of the photospheric parameters are as follows:

Updated 2023-09-05 16:04:08