MESA SDK (old releases)
This page hosts old releases of the MESA SDK. These releases are not supported in any way, but are provided here in case they're needed to compile previous versions of the MESA stellar evolution code. Be sure to consult the main MESA SDK page for a discussion of compatibility issues, prerequisites, etc.
- Linux
- Mac OS X (10.12 and later)
- Mac OS X (10.11 and earlier)
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for Old Releases
Mac OS X (10.12 and later)
IMPORTANT NOTE: On OS X 10.14 (Mojave), you may need to install the development header files. These ship as a standard part of Mojave, but must be installed by hand. To do so, run the commandThis step may need to be repeated whenever you upgrade to a new release of the Xcode command-line tools.
Release Date MESA Version at Release |
File OS X 10.12, Sierra |
File OS X 10.14, Mojave |
March 25 2019 12778 |
mesasdk-x86_64-macos-20.3.2.pkg | |
March 1 2019 12778 |
mesasdk-x86_64-macos-20.3.1.pkg | |
November 5 2019 12115 |
mesasdk-x86_64-macos-19.11.2.pkg | |
November 1 2019 12115 |
mesasdk-x86_64-macos-19.11.1.pkg | |
August 30 2019 11701 |
mesasdk-x86_64-osx-10.10-10.14-20190830.dmg | |
May 3 2019 11701 |
mesasdk-x86_64-osx-10.10-10.14-20190503.dmg | |
March 15 2019 11554 |
mesasdk-x86_64-osx-10.12-10.14-20190315.dmg | |
November 4 2018 10398 |
mesasdk-x86_64-osx-10.14-20181104.dmg | |
January 27 2018 10108 |
mesasdk-x86_64-osx-10.12-20180127.dmg | |
September 21 2017 10000 |
mesasdk-x86_64-osx-10.12-20170921.dmg | |
August 2 2017 9793 |
mesasdk-x86_64-osx-10.12-20170802.dmg |
Mac OS X (10.11 and earlier)
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for Old Releases
Q: I'm getting compilation errors of the form:
A: Have you properly installed the X windows and Z compression libraries, as specified in the prerequisites?
Q: I'm getting compilation errors of the form:
A: This is a known problem, caused by the pgplot library being compiled with the wrong libpng headers. It was fixed in the 20120727 release of the SDK; if you are using an older release, please upgrade.
Q: I'm getting compilation errors of the form:
A: This is a known issue with the 20130320 (and later) releases of the SDK, caused by the upgrade to gfortran 4.8.0. To fix, add the flag '-Wno-compare-reals' to the end of the definition of the FCwarn variable in mesa/utils/makefile_header.
Q: I'm getting compilation errors of the form:
A: This is a known issue with the 20130320 (and later) releases of the SDK, caused by the upgrade to gfortran 4.8.0. To fix, add the flag '-Wno-unused-parameter' to the end of the definition of the FCwarn variable in mesa/utils/makefile_header.
Q: On Ubuntu Linux I encounter these errors during compilation:
A: This is a known problem, caused by Ubuntu's use of non-standard installation locations. It was fixed in the 20120727 release of the SDK; if you are using an older release, please upgrade.
Q: On Ubuntu Linux I encounter this error during compilation:
A: This is a known problem, caused by Ubuntu's use of non-standard installation locations. It was fixed in the 20120727 release of the SDK; if you are using an older release, please upgrade.
Q: On Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) I encounter this error during compilation:
A: This is a known problem, caused by the SDK being compiled with a more-recent version of the GNU C Library (GLIBC) than is installed on RHEL systems. It was fixed in the 20120120 release of the SDK; if you are using an older release, please upgrade.
Q: On OS X I encounter this error during compilation:
A: This problem likely stems from trying to use the SDK on an older version of OS X (10.4 Tiger or 10.5 Leopard), as these have difficulty running 64-bit executables. Please contact Rich Townsend for further support.
Q: On OS X 10.8 I find an error such as
A: Try adding both the $MESASDK_ROOT/lib and /usr/local/lib directories to your DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable. These should appear first and second, respectively, in the path.
Q: I tried to compile MESA on OS X 10.9, and I got the following error
A: This means ndiff didn't compile correctly, most likely because the command-line tools weren't installed. See the note in the prerequisites.
Q: On Linux systems gcc can't create executables, producing errors of the sort
A: This is occurring because the C header files that ship with the SDK need to be updated to work properly with the system header files. To update the header files, run the following commands after setting MESASDK_ROOT: