Matthew A. Bershady
- Title: The Evolving Universe: Stars, Galaxies, Cosmology
- Pre-requisites: none
- Comments: This course is the "Portal to the Distant Universe" for undergraduate non-science majors.
- Currently scheduled: Fall 2015, Lectures 1, 2
- Title: Hands on the Universe
- Pre-requisites: Astro 100 or 103, or current enrollement in Astro 103
- Comments: This is a computer-lab course for non-science majors.
- Last scheduled: Fall 1997
- Title: Galaxies
- Pre-requisites: Astro 310 and consent of instructor
- Comments: advanced undergraduate course
- Last scheduled: Fall 2010
- Title: Techniques of Modern Observational Astrophysics
- Pre-requisites: Astro 310 and consent of instructor
- Comments: graduate level course
- Last scheduled: Fall 2022
- Title: Galaxies / Extragalactic Astronomy
- Pre-requisites: graduate level course
- Comments: graduate level course
- Last scheduled: Fall 2019
- Title: Observational Cosmology
- Pre-requisites: graduate level course
- Comments: graduate level course
- Last scheduled: Fall 2000
- Title: Journal Club
- Pre-requisites: none
- Comments: graduate level course
- Last scheduled: Fall 2014
- Title: Graduate Seminar
- Pre-requisites: none
- Comments: graduate level course
- Last scheduled: Fall 2002
Courses taught at Penn State, 1995-1997