Hands on the Universe

Matthew A. Bershady
Fall 1997
5517 Sterling Hall
Five 2-hour sections
office hours

Home Education Research




GRADE Score Range
A 26 and higher
B 19 - 25
C 12 - 18
D 7 - 11


Week of Lab Assignments
9/1Celestial Rhythms: An Introduction to the Sky none
9/8Celestial Rhythms: An Introduction to the Sky none
9/15Celestial Rhythms: An Introduction to the Sky Lab books due Friday 9/19, 4:00 PM
9/22The Distances to Stars Pre-labs due at start of lab
9/29The Distances to Stars Lab books due Friday 10/3, 4:00 PM
10/6Spectral Classification of Stars Pre-labs due at start of lab
10/13Spectral Classification of Stars Lab books due Friday 10/17, 4:00 PM
10/20The Moons of Jupiter Pre-labs due at start of lab
10/27The Moons of Jupiter Lab books due Friday 10/31, 4:00 PM
11/3The Universe Circa 1900 Pre-labs due at start of lab
11/10The Universe Circa 1900 Lab books due Friday 11/14, 4:00 PM
11/17Galaxy Classification no pre-lab; Lab books due Friday 11/21. 4:00 PM
11/24No Lab (Turkey) cranberry sauce must be eaten
12/1The Expansion of the Universe Pre-labs due at start of lab
12/8The Expansion of the Universe Lab books due Friday 12/12, 4:00 PM

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Last updated: Sep 29, 1997
Matthew A. Bershady