Advanced Observational Astrophysics

Matthew A. Bershady
Spring 1996
541 Davey Lab
MW 9:00 AM - 10:15 PM
office hours

Basic Course Information

Assigned Reading

Assigned Problems

Presentation Topics

The Hubble Deep Field

Read the following:

Where you can find the data locally

To Do:

  • Preliminary information about these images
  • Preliminary draft of HDF analysis plan

  • Where you can find the data:

    Preliminary information you should gather about these images:

    How are you going to measure the above? Make as many of these preliminary measurements as you can, and we will tabluate them here.

    With the above in mind, start considering detection and photometry algorithms.

    Preliminary Analysis Plan

    This is due Monday Feb. 12, and is meant as an informal first pass at what and how you plan as a group to analyze the Hubble Deep Field data. You can compose and present this plan as a group, but be clear how tasks are to be divided between members of the group. The point is to get you thinking about the full process, and about how you should proceed.

    This is a very large and open-ended problem. You must be realistic and limited in your scope, while at the same time being inventive and exploratory. You do not have to finesse any of the following issues, but you may choose (as an individual or group) to concentrate on some limited aspect(s) of the problem. Or, you can come up with as complete an anlysis as possible at a more preliminary level.

    Some basic issues you should consider:

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