------------------------------------------------------------------------ Astro 506 - Reading list - Weeks 1-3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Tecnhiques papers: Primary papers for week 3 [Each student is to take the lead discussing one of these papers] McCaughrean, M. 1989, in Proceedings of the Third NASA Ames Infrared Detector Technology Workshop, "Reduction and Analysis Technique for Infrared Imaging Data" Lilly, S.J., Cowie, L.L. 1988, in Infrared Astronomy with Arrays, eds. C.G. Wynn-Williams and E.E. Becklin, "Deep Infrared Surveys" Tyson, J.A. 1988, in Infrared Astronomy with Arrays, eds. C.G. Wynn-Williams and E.E. Becklin, "Techniques for Faint Object Imaging at 1 Micron" Kuhn, J. R., Lin, H., and Loranz, D. 1991, PASP, 103, 1097 "Gain Calibrating Nonunfirm Image-Array Data Using Only the Image Data" * Scientific Overview and background: [All students should read these] Koo, D.C., Kron, R. G. 1992, ARAA, 30, 613 "Evidence for Evolution in Faint Field Galaxy Samples" Lilly, S.J., 1993, ApJ, 411, 501 (Primarily read introduction) "A Deep I-Band Selected Galaxy Sample: Implications for Galaxy Evolution" * Specific Imaging Surveys w/ discussion of techniques: [All students should read these. For now, just read the relevant sections on image processing. We will return to these again in more depth during weeks 4 and 5] Tyson, J.A. 1988, AJ, 96, 1 "Deep CCD Survey: Galaxy Luminosity and Color Evolution" Lilly, S.J., Cowie, L.L., and Gardner, J.P. 1991, ApJ, 369, 79 "A Deep Imaging and Spectroscopic Survey of Faint Galaxies" Steidel, C.C. and Hamilton, D. 1993, AJ, 105, 2017 "Deep Imaging of High Redshift QSO Fields Below the Lyman Limit: II. Number Counts and Colors of Field Galaxies" * Other Surveys and techniques papers: [All students should read these. For now, just read the relevant sections on image processing. We will return to some of these again in more depth during weeks 4 and 5] Cowie, L.L., Gardner, J.P., Hu, E.M., Songaila, A., Hodapp, K.-W., Wainscoat, R.J., 1994, ApJ, 434, 114 "The Hawaii K Band Galaxy Survey, I: Deep K Band Imaging" Rigler, M. A. et al. 1992, ApJ, 385, 61 "Infrared and optical Morphologies of Distant Radio Galaxies" Storm, J., Carney, B. W., Latham, D. W. 1992, PASP, 104, 159 "K-band Light Curves for RR Lyrae Stars in the Globular Clusters M5 and M92" Windhorst. R. et al. 1992, ApJ, 400, L1 "Deep Hubble Space Telescope Imaging of a Compact Radio Galaxy at z = 2.390" Turner, J.A., Phillips, S., Daview, J.I., Disney, M.J. 1993, MNRAS, 261, 39 "A Deep CCD search for Low Surface Brightness Galaxies in A3574" * Instruments: [For your reference] Hodapp, K.-W., Rayner, J., Irwin, E. 1992, PASP, 104, 441 "The University of Hawaii NICMOS-3 Near-Infrared Camera" Persson, S. E. et al. 1992, PASP, 104, 204 "A Near-Infrared Camera for Las Campanas Observatory" Stubbs, C. W. et al. preprint "A 32 Megapixel Dual Color CCD Imaging System"