2024/06 Our research forward proposal to study habitability of exoplanet hycean worlds has been funded!
2024/06 Welcome to our group, Carl Yao! Carl is a sophomore undergraduate student at UW Madison.
2024/04 Congratulations to our postbac student Leopold Hutnik who has been admitted to the graduate program at the New Mexico State University!
2024/03 Congratulations to our undergraduate Ella Chevalier! Ella is selected to attend the summer REU program at the University of California-Berkeley!
2023/08 Congratulations to our postdoc Leon Trapman, whose ALMA cycle 10 proposal "Measuring accurate gas masses for the exoALMA planet-forming disks", 13.6h, has been accepted.
2023/07 Welcome to our group, Tayt Armitage! Tayt is a first-year graduate student at UW-Madison. He will investigate the chemical signs of pebble drift in the HD 163296 protoplanetary disk.
2023/07 Congratulations to our postdoc Leon Trapman, whose new paper "How large is a disk - what do protoplanetary disk gas sizes really mean?" was just accepted for publication in the AAS Journal.
2023/05 Our JWST/MIRI proposal to study the chemical evolution at the terrestrial planet-forming zoom has been approved! (PI. Zhang, 65h)
2023/05 Congratulations to our undergraduate Nina Weichmann, who is awarded an undergraudate research fellowship by the Wisconsin Space Grant Consortium! Great job, Nina!
2023/03 Congratulations to Estephani for getting a prestigious NSF Graduate Research Fellowship!
2023/03 Congratulations to our undergraduate Ella Chevalier! Ella is selected to attend the summer REU program at the Louisianna State University!
2023/02 Welcome to our group, Nina Weichmann! Nina is a sophomore undergraduate student at UW Madison. She will work on modeling mm to cm continuum fluxes of the HD 179218 disk.
2022/10 Welcome to our group, Leopold Hutnik! Leopold is a senior undergraduate at UW Madison and he will work on modeling N2H+ emission of the TW Hya disk.
2022/10 Congratulations to our undergradaute Vicki for her fellowship to study at the University of Copenhagen in Spring 2023!
2022/09 Welcome to our group, Ella Chevalier! Ella is a sophmore student and she will help us extract spectra from AGE-PRO data.
2022/07 Three ALMA proposals led by members of our group have been approved! Great job!
PI Zhang: A unique gas tracer of pebble drift in protoplanetary disk (A grade, 9h) PI Trapman: Weighting the Elias 2-27 protoplanetary disk: a crucial test for a new mass measurement technique (A grade, 3.5h) PI Trapman: Measuring accurate gas masses of the planet-forming disks in Lupus (B grade, 26.5h)
2022/07 Our NSF proposal: The evolution of gas in protoplanetary disk, was awarded!
2022/05 Congratulations to our undergraduate Vicki Braianova, who was awarded a sophoremore research fellowship of UW Madison! Vicki will use her fellowship to work in our group. Her project is to model SEDs of AGE-PRO sources.
2022/01 Leon's paper " A novel way of measuring the gas disk mass of protoplanetary disks using N2H+ and C18O" was just accepted for publication in ApJL. Congratulations, Leon! Link
2021/12 Leon's paper "Effect of MHD wind-driven disk evolution on the observed sizes of protoplanetary disks" was just accepted for publication in ApJ. Great job, Leon! Link
2021/08 Our ALMA large program AGE-PRO (the ALMA survey of Gas Evolution in PROtoplanetary disks, PI. Zhang) has been accepted! It uses 103h ALMA time to measure the gas masses and sizes of 30 disks between 0.1-10Myr. Cheers!
2021/08 Two of our regular ALMA programs: A unique gas tracer of pebble drift in protoplanetary disks, Physical Conditions of the Young HL Tau disk, have been accepted for ALMA cycle 8.
2021/08 Estephani TorresVillanueva has joined our research group! Estephani is a 1st year graduate stdent at UW-Madison. She will work with Coco to measure turbulence in disks in the fall. Welcome, Estephani!
2021/07 Our paper, Molecules with ALMA at Planet-forming Scales (MAPS) V: CO gas distributions, has been accepted for pbulication in the ApJS. Cheers!
2021/06 Anna Conly just joined our group as a REU student this summer. Welcome, Anna!
2021/03 Olive Zhang, a UW-Madison undergraduate student, just joined our research group. Welcome Olive!
2020/11 Welcome to UW-Madison! Dr. Leon Trapman just joined our group as a postdoctoral reseacher.
2020/09 Welcome to our group, Ben Capistrant and Matt Kalscheur!
2020/09 I'm looking for graduate students to start in the Fall 2021. Please send me an email if you are interested in joining my group. More information for prospective students
2020/08 We are creating the Wisconsin Center for Origins Research (WiCOR)! WiCOR will bring scientists from Astronomy, Chemistry, Geoscience, Atmospheric/Oceanic Science and the life sciences to work together.