Namelist error

Bug/problem reports for any of the GYRE executables (gyre_ad, gyre_nad, etc)
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Namelist error

Post by ehsan » Thu Nov 28, 2013 3:35 pm

Hello Rich,
I use the attached inlist to calculate adiabatic frequencies on a cluster login node successfully. However, when I want to use the same inlist on the compute node, it gives me the following error message:

Code: Select all

 ASSERT 'n == 1' failed at line 65 <gyre_input:parse_args>:
 Invalid number of arguments
Does the error ring a bell? Did I make any mistake in setting up the inlist?
Why GYRE does not run on the compute node but on the login node, where I expect the reverse?

Best regards
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Re: Namelist error

Post by rhtownsend » Thu Nov 28, 2013 6:06 pm

ehsan wrote:Hello Rich,
I use the attached inlist to calculate adiabatic frequencies on a cluster login node successfully. However, when I want to use the same inlist on the compute node, it gives me the following error message:

Code: Select all

 ASSERT 'n == 1' failed at line 65 <gyre_input:parse_args>:
 Invalid number of arguments
Does the error ring a bell? Did I make any mistake in setting up the inlist?
Why GYRE does not run on the compute node but on the login node, where I expect the reverse?

Best regards
Hi Ehsan -

It looks like you are not properly specifying the name of the input file as the single argument of gyre_ad. How are you launching the job on the compute nodes? Are you sure you're running 'gyre_ad input.txt' rather than just 'gyre_ad'?



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Joined: Sun Jun 16, 2013 11:31 am

Re: Namelist error

Post by ehsan » Fri Nov 29, 2013 12:17 am

Hmmmm, that could be.
Actually, I have a (master) file containing the full path to individual namelists, and I store namelists stored in a separate directory.
Then, the master file is opened by the job queueing system, and full path to each namelist is read. Then, each instance of GYRE calculation is launched from this file:

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$VSC_DATA/gyre2.3/bin/gyre_ad <<< $(echo $fp_namelist) 1>>$log 2>>$err

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gives the full path to the namelist.

Thanks considering this.
Best regards.

UPDATE: changing the redirection into the following solved the problem. Thanks Rich ...

Code: Select all

$VSC_DATA/gyre2.3/bin/gyre_ad $fp_namelist 1>>$log 2>>$err

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