I'm fairly new to asteroseismology, and I have to admit my knowledge is quite limited in that field.
Still, I have a goal : be able to plot a Petersen diagram like this one (the original article is here : http://www.aanda.org/articles/aa/pdf/20 ... 345-09.pdf)
Ok so I have a RR Lyrae star, I want to plot the P1/P0 ratio vs P0, for different values of L, M, etc as described in the article.
1) So my first question is : how do I obtain the stellar model file. I saw that there were different type (MESA type, GYRE type, etc). Can't I just enter the input parameter ? (I'm sorry if it sounds a bit stupid)
2) Once I have the stellar model file, I'll have to put l = 1 in the namelist file, is that right ?
3) Is there anyway to compute a loop fo different mass, luminosity, etc.
Thank you in advance for your answer, and sorry for the low level of my questions.