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inertial and co-rotating frames

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2018 4:33 pm
by jsanchez
Hi everyone!
I'm trying to include rotation in the modeling of a MS star, but I'm having troubles understanding gyre output. I hope to find help here!

I'm sending the gyre input file '' in which I included a rotation of omega_rot=1.01248 UHZ and I used the co-rotating frame for the freq_frame and grid_frame.

My problems are that I cannot find any symmetry in the modes and gyre gives, for instance, 5 modes with l=2 and m=1 and 8 modes with l=2 and m=-2 , being 4 with l=2 and m=0...even when I correct the frequencies with:

freq_correct=Re(freq)-m*omega_rot ; which I understand it gives the frequencies in the inertial frame.

Could you please, let me know what I'm doing wrong?

Thank you very much!!

Re: inertial and co-rotating frames

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2018 8:46 am
by jsanchez
It seems I didn't upload the input file. Here it is!
Many thanks!