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Imaginary part of frequency for SBPs

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2018 10:50 am
by benfernando

I'm new to GYRE and am running through the relevant MESA summer school modules (here, Gautschy 2016, labelled "PLS1" in ...

I've updated the inlists as needed and am getting things to run properly, but I notice that all the imaginary parts of the frequency (omega) appear to be zero in my runs, whilst in the original they are non-zero, indicated growing or decaying modes. The real parts are reasonably well matched (small differences I suspect are due to using slightly different points in the evolutionary model).

Is there a parameter somewhere that's different between the two versions of GYRE that's causing this to be the case, or am I just doing something wrong? My is attached.


Re: Imaginary part of frequency for SBPs

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2018 3:25 pm
by rhtownsend
benfernando wrote:
Mon Jun 18, 2018 10:50 am

I'm new to GYRE and am running through the relevant MESA summer school modules (here, Gautschy 2016, labelled "PLS1" in ...

I've updated the inlists as needed and am getting things to run properly, but I notice that all the imaginary parts of the frequency (omega) appear to be zero in my runs, whilst in the original they are non-zero, indicated growing or decaying modes. The real parts are reasonably well matched (small differences I suspect are due to using slightly different points in the evolutionary model).

Is there a parameter somewhere that's different between the two versions of GYRE that's causing this to be the case, or am I just doing something wrong? My is attached.

Hi Ben --

Welcome to the board! Your problem has a simple fix: you need to tell GYRE to include non-adiabatic effects. To do this, add the parameter

Code: Select all

nonadiabatic = .TRUE.
to the &osc namelist.

This parameter didn't exist in older versions of GYRE, as there were separate executables for adiabatic ('gyre_ad') and non-adiabatic ('gyre_nad') calculations. But now, there's just a single executable ('gyre'), and you need to tell it whether to run in adiabatic or non-adiabatic mode.



Re: Imaginary part of frequency for SBPs

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2018 6:45 am
by benfernando
Hi Rich,

Great, that has indeed fixed it!

Much appreciated.
