rhtownsend wrote:richakundu wrote:hello
i am new to GYRE. I was just trying to work with the examples given on the bitbucket website. 1st example worked perfectly fine. In the subsequent examples i started getting problem. I am getting problem in the following part:
ivp_solver_type = 'MAGNUS_GL4' ! 4th-order Magnus solver for initial-value integrations
The error shown on the screen is :
Fortran runtime error: Cannot match namelist object name ivp_solver_type
I was getting the same error in "outer_bound_type = 'ZERO' " as well but i just changed "outer_bound_type" to "outer_bound" and the error was gone. I tried the same thing with "ivp_solver_type" but still it was showing the same error.
PS: I am using GYRE 5.0
please help
Richa Kundu
Hi Richa --
Welcome to GYRE! It seems you've run into a known problem with the documentation -- I haven't finished updating it from v4.4 to 5.0. Can you let me know which specific examples have this problem, so I can add them to the list of docs needing updating?
For the moment, to work around your specific problem, use 'diff_scheme' instead of 'ivp_solver_type'.
Best wishes,
yeah sure
i used diff_scheme then i got the following error:
OpenMP Threads : 4
Input filename : gyre.in
ASSERT 'n_ot_p == 1' failed at line 110 <gyre_out_par:read_out_par>:
Input file should contain exactly one &ad_output and one &nad_output namelist
do i need to change something else as well?
I am sorry for the basic ques but I am just beginning to work with GYRE.
I had same issue in 2 codes. One is :
model_type = 'EVOL' ! Use an evolutionary stellar model
file = 'rgb.mesa' ! File name of the evolutionary model
file_format = 'MESA' ! File format of the evolutionary model
l = 1 ! Harmonic degree
outer_bound_type = 'ZERO' ! Use a zero-pressure outer mechanical boundary condition
ivp_solver_type = 'MAGNUS_GL4' ! 4th-order Magnus solver for initial-value integrations
grid_type = 'INVERSE' ! Scan for modes using a uniform-in-period grid; best for g modes
freq_units = 'UHZ' ! Interpret freq_min and freq_max as having units of microHertz
freq_min = 39 ! Minimum frequency to scan from
freq_max = 42 ! Maximum frequency to scan to
n_freq = 200 ! Number of frequency points in scan
op_type = 'CREATE_CLONE' ! Clone the model grid
op_type = 'CREATE_CLONE' ! Clone the shooting grid
summary_file = 'summary.txt' ! File name for summary file
summary_file_format = 'TXT' ! Format of summary file
summary_item_list = 'M_star,R_star,l,n_pg,omega,E_norm' ! Items to appear in summary file
mode_prefix = 'mode-' ! File-name prefix for mode files
mode_file_format = 'TXT' ! Format of mode files
mode_item_list = 'l,n_pg,omega,x,xi_r,xi_h' ! Items to appear in mode files
and the other is:
model_type = 'EVOL' ! Obtain stellar structure from an evolutionary model
file = 'rgb.mesa' ! File name of the evolutionary model
file_format = 'MESA' ! File format of the evolutionary model
l = 0 ! Harmonic degree
tag = 'radial' ! Tag for namelist matching
l = 1 ! Harmonic degree
tag = 'non-radial' ! Tag for namelist matching
l = 2 ! Harmonic degree
tag = 'non-radial' ! Tag for namelist matching
outer_bound_type = 'ZERO' ! Use a zero-pressure outer mechanical boundary condition
tag_list = 'radial,non-radial' ! Comma-separated list of tags to match
ivp_solver_type = 'MAGNUS_GL4' ! 4th-order Magnus solver for initial-value integrations
grid_type = 'LINEAR' ! Scan for modes using a uniform-in-frequency grid; best for p modes
freq_units = 'UHZ' ! Interpret freq_min and freq_max as being in uHz
freq_min = 35 ! Minimum frequency to scan from
freq_max = 45 ! Maximum frequency to scan to
n_freq = 50 ! Number of frequency points in scan
tag_list = 'radial' ! Comma-separated list of tags to match
grid_type = 'INVERSE' ! Scan for modes using a uniform-in-period grid; best for g modes
freq_units = 'UHZ' ! Interpret freq_min and freq_max as being in uHz
freq_min = 35 ! Minimum frequency to scan from
freq_max = 45 ! Maximum frequency to scan to
n_freq = 1000 ! Number of frequency points in scan
tag_list = 'non-radial' ! Comma-separated list of tags to match
op_type = 'CREATE_CLONE'
alpha_osc = 5
alpha_exp = 1
op_type = 'RESAMP_CENTER'
n = 5
op_type = 'CREATE_CLONE'
summary_file = 'gyre_ad.txt'
summary_file_format = 'TXT'
summary_item_list = 'l,n_pg,n_p,n_g,omega'
thank you