0.9.4 release

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0.9.4 release

Post by rhtownsend » Tue Apr 16, 2013 8:56 am

The stable branch has been updated, making the 0.9.4 release.

In addition to bug-fixes, new features include:

*) Consistent normalization of eigenfunctions written to mode files, such that the total kinetic energy is always unity.
*) Re-write of grid infrastructure. Grids are now set up using multiple &shoot_grid (and/or &recon_grid) namelists, specifying a sequence of operations to apply to build up a grid. See the examples subdirs (esp. ad/examples/mesa/rgb/gyre_ad.in) to see this in action.
*) New theta_ad parameter in the &num namelist, which allows switching from the non-adiabatic equations to the adiabatic equations when the entropy perturbation coefficient in the energy equation is smaller than theta_ad times the other coefficients.
*) Change to the definition of the y_5 dependent variable.

Note that the documentation on the Wiki is becoming increasingly out-of-date; this is something which I plan to fix soon, but beware!
