New features in this release include:
- New op_type option, CREATE_MIDPOINT, in &shoot_grid and &recon_grid namelists. This places grid points at the midpoints of the input grids. This option is key to producing 'good' eigenfunctions when performing non-adiabatic calculations
- Renamed the &coeffs namelist to &model, and the coeffs_type parameter to &model_type
- Added new &constants namelist, to allow overriding of physical constants
- New output items: f_T, f_g, psi_T and psi_g, being the non-adiabatic coefficients defined by Dupret et al. (2003). These are evaluated at x = x_ref
- New &osc parameter: x_ref
- Added xi_r_ref and xi_h_ref output items, which give the displacement eigenfunctions at x = x_ref
- Added warnings when scan frequency range goes above/below atmospheric cutoffs
The source code can be downloaded from
PS Note that at the time of posting a lot of links on bitbucket are broken; this appears to be a consequence of the issue described at ... -of-approx