MESA persistently fails to build GYRE

Bug/problem reports for any of the GYRE executables (gyre_ad, gyre_nad, etc)
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MESA persistently fails to build GYRE

Post by Tanja » Wed Nov 13, 2013 8:35 pm

Dear Rich,

I have been using MESA since May (i.e. still a 'newbie'). Upon installing new MESA releases in August 5329 (on Lenovo Thinkpad with Ubuntu 12.04), and in October 5456 (on a HP Z420 workstation with Red Hat 6.4), I always encounter the same problem (probably the same Maria has pointed out on the MESA forum in August, but I can't find answers to that anywhere). In both cases, I had the April release of SDK, and in both cases, /mesa/star works !! (so it can't be Mesa or SDK). What fails is the make and build of Gyre. Including "export GYRE_DIR=..ect" or not in the bashrc won't make a difference; setting "USE_GYRE = YES" or "NO" in the makefile_header in /mesa/utils won't make a difference. It seems to be a "library-finding issue", since upon compiling it will produce a flood of "undefined reference to lsame, xerbla, dgemm, dswap, and so on.." of gyre source files, which are in /mesa/gyre/make, albeit it starts out with "libgyre.a is up to date" (?). Doing a make within the gyre branch will also produce a "libgyre.a is up to date", and yet ./build_and_test will keep failing.

I have banged my head on countless makefiles and, yet I'm stuck. Is there any reference to the Mesa libs or whatever, which I should include in a makefile I have not yet thought of ? Apparently, nobody else seems to have those problems - a mystery to me...

Help is greatly appreciated !!

Thank you,

Dr. Tanja Rindler-Daller
Department of Physics
Michigan Center for Theoretical Physics
University of Michigan
450 Church Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48109

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Re: MESA persistently fails to build GYRE

Post by rhtownsend » Sat Jan 04, 2014 12:17 pm

Hi Tanja --

Apologies for the delay in getting back to you!

Are you building GYRE as a stand-alone package, or as part of MESA?



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