Different adiabatic radial frequencies with JCD or DZIEM var
Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2013 9:59 am
Hi, me again...
I think I've relocated the previous issue I found when using variables_type = JCD. I've attached an inlist and model file for a Sun-like model produced by MESA (release 5527). I've also attached a file that has the output frequencies for a calculation with the default Dziembowski formulation (column DZIEM), frequencies with JCD's formulation (column JCD), and the differences, all in uHz (microhertz). Here is a snippet for about half of the l=0 and l=1 modes:
As you can see, the l=1 modes aren't significantly different. I won't haggle over a few nHz here and there. However, the radial orders are all off by about 30 uHz. Given that my comparison between GYRE (in DZIEM mode) and ADIPLS showed that the results are the same, I suspect something is up with the radial orders with the JCD formulation.
I'm aware that the order of the radial equation is reduced to two, so I tried setting reduce_order=.FALSE. in the &num input list. But this gave me the following error:
My guess was that might fix the issue, but I only found a new one instead.
Let me know if there's anything I can do to try to find (or fix) the problem. This is GYRE 2.2, compiled with the MESA SDK (April 2013 release) on Scientific Linux 6.4 (Carbon).
I think I've relocated the previous issue I found when using variables_type = JCD. I've attached an inlist and model file for a Sun-like model produced by MESA (release 5527). I've also attached a file that has the output frequencies for a calculation with the default Dziembowski formulation (column DZIEM), frequencies with JCD's formulation (column JCD), and the differences, all in uHz (microhertz). Here is a snippet for about half of the l=0 and l=1 modes:
Code: Select all
n l JCD DZIEM diff
0 3 0.5880991957344057E+03 0.5517936087489700E+03 36.3056
0 4 0.7385115682894975E+03 0.7027710926357122E+03 35.7405
0 5 0.8873526516617749E+03 0.8534576590847404E+03 33.895
0 6 0.1038325333400842E+04 0.1006405376292911E+04 31.92
0 7 0.1188669128513245E+04 0.1156990156035679E+04 31.679
0 8 0.1338444888678261E+04 0.1307709428998159E+04 30.7355
0 9 0.1487875899855938E+04 0.1457288864669831E+04 30.587
0 10 0.1633967349440270E+04 0.1603993926473577E+04 29.9734
0 11 0.1777388908803230E+04 0.1748099700565121E+04 29.2892
0 12 0.1918286926637526E+04 0.1888934985667081E+04 29.3519
0 13 0.2058680725800944E+04 0.2029241235729571E+04 29.4395
0 14 0.2200075281399677E+04 0.2170264397677784E+04 29.8109
0 15 0.2340931894788871E+04 0.2311017131710949E+04 29.9148
0 16 0.2480867195671524E+04 0.2451173204789553E+04 29.694
0 17 0.2620001230058012E+04 0.2590125539341500E+04 29.8757
0 18 0.2759095304017077E+04 0.2728987990765716E+04 30.1073
1 4 0.6173992034657327E+03 0.6174065338892742E+03 -0.00733042
1 5 0.7726941064460073E+03 0.7727006756491630E+03 -0.0065692
1 6 0.9248624122413197E+03 0.9248682695627788E+03 -0.00585732
1 6 0.1075905275832139E+04 0.1075910137326461E+04 -0.00486149
1 7 0.1227119368127110E+04 0.1227123536317778E+04 -0.00416819
1 8 0.1376539019866965E+04 0.1376542569756537E+04 -0.00354989
1 9 0.1525467806588984E+04 0.1525470816492057E+04 -0.0030099
1 10 0.1671033853251784E+04 0.1671036455074897E+04 -0.00260182
1 11 0.1813438362105685E+04 0.1813440601224611E+04 -0.00223912
1 12 0.1954324641370541E+04 0.1954326639841765E+04 -0.00199847
1 13 0.2094837521653158E+04 0.2094839338225996E+04 -0.00181657
1 14 0.2236234980632266E+04 0.2236236631815374E+04 -0.00165118
1 15 0.2377083871774487E+04 0.2377085393018386E+04 -0.00152124
1 16 0.2516605884688179E+04 0.2516607287187283E+04 -0.0014025
1 17 0.2655764599685214E+04 0.2655765916519922E+04 -0.00131683
1 18 0.2795121266695898E+04 0.2795122523273155E+04 -0.00125658
1 19 0.2935478827344302E+04 0.2935480024090108E+04 -0.00119675
I'm aware that the order of the radial equation is reduced to two, so I tried setting reduce_order=.FALSE. in the &num input list. But this gave me the following error:
Code: Select all
> $GYRE_DIR/bin/gyre_ad gyre_ad.in
gyre_ad [2.2]
Compiler : GCC version 4.9.0 20130408 (experimental)
Compiler options : -I /usr/users/wball/mesa/sdk/include -march=corei7-avx -mcx16 -msahf -mno-movbe -maes -mpclmul -mpopcnt -mno-abm -mno-lwp -mno-fma -mno-fma4 -mno-xop -mno-bmi -mno-tbm -mno-avx2 -msse4.2 -msse4.1 -mno-lzcnt -mno-rtm -mno-hle -mno-rdrnd -mno-f16c -mno-fsgsbase -mno-rdseed -mno-prfchw -mno-adx -mfxsr -mxsave -mxsaveopt --param l1-cache-size=32 --param l1-cache-line-size=64 --param l2-cache-size=20480 -mtune=corei7-avx -mno-avx -mno-bmi2 -O2 -std=f2008 -finit-real=snan -ffpe-trap=invalid,overflow,zero -fbacktrace -fopenmp
OpenMP Threads : 2
MPI Processors : 1
Reading from FGONG file model.fgong
Initial points : 2942
File version : 300
Discriminant Scan
Program received signal SIGFPE: Floating-point exception - erroneous arithmetic operation.
Backtrace for this error:
#0 0x2AAAAB6474C7
#1 0x2AAAAB647ACE
#2 0x2AAAAC48891F
#3 0x4ABD48 in __gyre_jacobian_ad_jcd_MOD_trans_matrix
#4 0x41490D in __gyre_bound_ad_jcd_MOD_inner_bound
#5 0x41563B in __gyre_bvp_ad_MOD_build
#6 0x41574D in __gyre_bvp_ad_MOD_discrim
#7 0x418887 in __gyre_search_MOD_scan_search
#8 0x4047C1 in MAIN__ at gyre_ad.f90:0
Floating point exception
Let me know if there's anything I can do to try to find (or fix) the problem. This is GYRE 2.2, compiled with the MESA SDK (April 2013 release) on Scientific Linux 6.4 (Carbon).