gyre_ad not picking up output namelist
Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2013 4:39 am
I've been attempting to run a slight modification of the basic tutorial inlist (although this problem occurs for the tutorial as well). The code seems to run fine and outputs the results of the mode search to the console, but when it comes to writing the file it outputs the following:
This is confusing, as as far as I can tell, the &output namelist has been correctly defined in the following:
gyre_ad was compiled on Mac OS X 10.8 using the current development mesasdk. Any advice people could provide on how to overcome this error so that I don't have to copy and paste from the console would be most appreciated!
Jack Muir
Code: Select all
Completed mode search; time elapsed: 4.411 s
ABORT at line 141 <gyre_output:write_data>:
No &output namelist in input file
STOP Program aborted
Code: Select all
coeffs_type = 'EVOL' ! Obtain structure coefficient data from an evolutionary model
file = 'solar.fgong' ! File name of the evolutionary model
file_format = 'FGONG' !File format of the evolutionary model
l = 1 ! Harmonic degree
outer_bound_type = 'ZERO' ! Use a zero-pressure outer mechanical boundary condition
ivp_solver_type = 'MAGNUS_GL4' ! 4th-order Magnus solver for initial-value integrations
grid_type = 'INVERSE' ! Scan for modes using a uniform-in-period grid; best for g modes
freq_units = 'NONE' ! Interpret freq_min and freq_max as being dimensionless
freq_min = 0.15 ! Minimum frequency to scan from
freq_max = 0.9 ! Maximum frequency to scan to
n_freq = 250 ! Number of frequency points in scan
&shoot_grid ! Can be left empty
&recon_grid ! Can be left empty
summary_file = 'summary.txt' ! File name for summary file
summary_file_format = 'TXT' ! Format of summary file
summary_item_list = 'M_star,R_star,l,n_pg,omega,E_norm' ! Items to appear in summary file
mode_prefix = 'mode-' ! File-name prefix for mode files
mode_file_format = 'TXT' ! Format of mode files
mode_item_list = 'l,n_pg,omega,x,xi_r,xi_h' ! Items to appear in mode files
Jack Muir