I've attached some input files. I took the `FGONG` model for Model S [1] directly from Jørgen Christensen-Dalsgaard's webpage [2]. It didn't want to upload here for some reason, so I leave it to the reader to get it. The `.in` files are ADIPLS input to generate the adiabatic frequencies, plus the one GYRE input file. Here's a side-by-side comparison of the first few frequencies from the output.
Code: Select all
0 1 258.0090
0 2 404.4811
0 3 535.9398 536.6424
0 4 680.5734 681.4681
0 5 825.3655 826.4537
0 6 972.7470 974.0313
0 7 1118.1517 1119.6280
0 8 1263.5260 1265.1957
0 9 1407.6297 1409.4920
0 10 1548.5240 1550.5783
Let me know if any further information is useful, although I'll mostly be away for the next two weeks.
[1] http://users-phys.au.dk/jcd/solar_model ... l5bi.d.15c
[2] http://users-phys.au.dk/jcd/solar_models/