I have successfully compiled GYRE 1.1.2 with mesasdk.
When I just want to start my run, it gives me an error complaining about op_type
Here is what I get in the terminal...
Code: Select all
-bash-4.2$ ./gyre_nad ../../slurm_namelists/M10.0-eta0.00-ov0.000-sc0.01-Z0.014-MS-Yc0.4462-Xc0.5400.nmlst
gyre_ad [1.1.2]
Compler : GCC version 4.9.0 20130408 (experimental)
Compler options : -I /home/ehsan/sdk/include -mtune=generic -march=x86-64 -g -Wall -Wno-unused-dummy-argument -std=f2008 -finit-real=snan -ffpe-trap=invalid,overflow,zero -fbacktrace -fcheck=all -finline-limit=0 -fopenmp
OpenMP Threads : 2
MPI Processors : 1
Reading from MESA file /STER/mesa-gyre/equil/M10.0/gyre_in/M10.0-eta0.00-ov0.000-sc0.01-Z0.014-MS-Yc0.4462-Xc0.5400-01208.gyre
Detected old-variant file
Adding central point
ABORT at line 151 <gyre_grid:grid_range>:
Invalid op_type (the first op_type must be CREATE_*)
STOP Program aborted
Code: Select all
coeffs_type = 'EVOL'
file = '/STER/mesa-gyre/equil/M10.0/gyre_in/M10.0-eta0.00-ov0.000-sc0.01-Z0.014-MS-Yc0.4462-Xc0.5400-01208.gyre'
file_format = 'MESA'
deriv_type = 'MONO'
/ ! end of coeff namelist
l = 0
outer_bound_type = 'UNNO'
/ ! end of osc namelist
n_iter_max = 50
ivp_solver_type = 'MAGNUS_GL6'
/ ! end of num namelist
grid_type = 'LINEAR'
freq_min = 1d-2
freq_max = 1d2
n_freq = 500
freq_units = 'NONE'
/ ! end of scan namelist
op_type = 'CREATE_CLONE'
op_type = 'RESAMP_CENTER'
n = 1000
s = 0d0
alpha_osc = 0d0
alpha_exp = 0d0
alpha_thm = 0d0
/ ! end of shoot_grid namelist
/ ! end of recon_grid namelist
summary_file = '/STER/mesa-gyre/equil/M10.0/gyre_out/M10.0-eta0.00-ov0.000-sc0.01-Z0.014-MS-Yc0.4462-Xc0.5400'
summary_item_list = l, n_p, n_g, omega, freq, E, E_norm, W, M_star, R_star, L_star
mode_prefix = /STER/mesa-gyre/equil/M10.0/gyre_out/M10.0-eta0.00-ov0.000-sc0.01-Z0.014-MS-Yc0.4462-Xc0.5400
mode_item_list = n, l, n_p, n_g, omega, freq, E, E_norm, W, x, V, As, U, c_1, &
Gamma_1, nabla_ad, delta, xi_r, xi_h, phip, dphip_dx, delS, &
delL, delp, delrho, delT, dE_dx, dW_dx, M_star, R_star, L_star, &
m, p, rho, T
freq_units = 'NONE'
/ ! end of output namelist
Code: Select all
op_type = 'RESAMP_CENTER'
Can someone please help me get started?
I also have a suggestion. With the "Upload attachment" feature of the forum, it is not possible to attach plain ascii files or bash script files.
It is worthwhile if this feature be improved.