bugs in GYRE 5.2 with .OSC files and non-adiabatic eigenfunctions
Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2020 6:01 am
Hi all
I hope you and your family are doing well in this covid time.
I was using so far an old version of GYRE. I decided to download and compile the 5.2 version.
I am probably the only one, but I am using CESAM evolutionary code and so stellar models of type .osc.
The new code (5.2) does not run with these models. There are 2 bugs in gyre_osc_file.f90
ivers is an integer so the output
write(OUTPUT_UNIT, 120) 'File version', ivers
120 format(3X,A,1X,F4.2,1X,A)
won’t work and I replaced it by
write(OUTPUT_UNIT, 120) 'File version', ivers
120 format(3X,A,1X,I0)
then below in this routine the mass m is not calculated correctly
m = EXP(point_data(2,:))
must be replaced by
m = EXP(point_data(2,:))*M_star
Then GYRE 5.2 runs
Moreover, I have issues with the non-adiabatic eigenfunctions
I run a CESAM calibrated solar model for radial p-modes.
I try to check the consistency of the eigenfunctions by checking the well know relations
abs(lag_rho) = abs(deriv(x,xi) + 2/x*xi) (1)
abs(lag_rho) = abs(lag_P/gamma_1-delta*lag_S)
It works for adiabatic calculations but not for non-adiabatic ones; More precisely it depends on the choice of variables : DZIEM, JCD, GYRE, LAGP
it works with DZIEM but not for LAGP and JCD. The shape of the lag_P function is not at all the same for LAGP and JCD
I realized that in the case of variable=LAGP, the lag_P must be corrected
lag_P ---> lag_P/(V_2)^2
and then lag_rho = lag_P/gamma_1 -delta*lag_S is consistent with (1).
I could not figure out where to modify this in the code. Since the eigenfrequencies look ok I suspect a problem in the outputs but I could not find. The problem persists whatever numerical scheme/outer boundary conditions is used. Same problem for l=0 or l=1
I was also surprise to see that by using the VACUUM outer BC, the Lag_P is not zero at the top (and this is a problem for my calculations!). It is zero for adiabatic calculations but not for non-adiabatic ones. Both real and imaginary lag_P are not zero at top. After checking, this was also the case in older version GYRE.
last thing. In gyre_nad_trans.f90 the integer that defines the variables are
integer, parameter :: GYRE_SET = 0
integer, parameter :: DZIEM_SET = 1
integer, parameter :: JCD_SET = 2
integer, parameter :: LAGP_SET = 3
whereas in gyre_ad_trans.f90 it is
integer, parameter :: GYRE_SET = 0
integer, parameter :: DZIEM_SET = 1
integer, parameter :: JCD_SET = 2
integer, parameter :: MIX_SET = 3
integer, parameter :: LAGP_SET = 4
so in the two cases, the LAGP is not defined with the same integer and the MIX type variables are missing in the non-adiabatic calculations.
Any suggestion/help for the non-adiabatic eigenfunctions and the outer BC is welcome.
I hope you and your family are doing well in this covid time.
I was using so far an old version of GYRE. I decided to download and compile the 5.2 version.
I am probably the only one, but I am using CESAM evolutionary code and so stellar models of type .osc.
The new code (5.2) does not run with these models. There are 2 bugs in gyre_osc_file.f90
ivers is an integer so the output
write(OUTPUT_UNIT, 120) 'File version', ivers
120 format(3X,A,1X,F4.2,1X,A)
won’t work and I replaced it by
write(OUTPUT_UNIT, 120) 'File version', ivers
120 format(3X,A,1X,I0)
then below in this routine the mass m is not calculated correctly
m = EXP(point_data(2,:))
must be replaced by
m = EXP(point_data(2,:))*M_star
Then GYRE 5.2 runs
Moreover, I have issues with the non-adiabatic eigenfunctions
I run a CESAM calibrated solar model for radial p-modes.
I try to check the consistency of the eigenfunctions by checking the well know relations
abs(lag_rho) = abs(deriv(x,xi) + 2/x*xi) (1)
abs(lag_rho) = abs(lag_P/gamma_1-delta*lag_S)
It works for adiabatic calculations but not for non-adiabatic ones; More precisely it depends on the choice of variables : DZIEM, JCD, GYRE, LAGP
it works with DZIEM but not for LAGP and JCD. The shape of the lag_P function is not at all the same for LAGP and JCD
I realized that in the case of variable=LAGP, the lag_P must be corrected
lag_P ---> lag_P/(V_2)^2
and then lag_rho = lag_P/gamma_1 -delta*lag_S is consistent with (1).
I could not figure out where to modify this in the code. Since the eigenfrequencies look ok I suspect a problem in the outputs but I could not find. The problem persists whatever numerical scheme/outer boundary conditions is used. Same problem for l=0 or l=1
I was also surprise to see that by using the VACUUM outer BC, the Lag_P is not zero at the top (and this is a problem for my calculations!). It is zero for adiabatic calculations but not for non-adiabatic ones. Both real and imaginary lag_P are not zero at top. After checking, this was also the case in older version GYRE.
last thing. In gyre_nad_trans.f90 the integer that defines the variables are
integer, parameter :: GYRE_SET = 0
integer, parameter :: DZIEM_SET = 1
integer, parameter :: JCD_SET = 2
integer, parameter :: LAGP_SET = 3
whereas in gyre_ad_trans.f90 it is
integer, parameter :: GYRE_SET = 0
integer, parameter :: DZIEM_SET = 1
integer, parameter :: JCD_SET = 2
integer, parameter :: MIX_SET = 3
integer, parameter :: LAGP_SET = 4
so in the two cases, the LAGP is not defined with the same integer and the MIX type variables are missing in the non-adiabatic calculations.
Any suggestion/help for the non-adiabatic eigenfunctions and the outer BC is welcome.