Computation failed with SIGFPE
Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2020 11:29 am
When computing frequencies for some red giant models, I receive a SIGFPE signal (Floating-point exception - erroneous arithmetic operation). Any suggestions on how I should go around diagnosing why this is happening? For reference, my input namelists are as follows:
The output from GYRE is as follows:
Code: Select all
model_type = 'EVOL'
file = '../'
file_format = 'MESA'
! file_format = 'FGONG'
! data_format = '(1P5E16.9,x)'
G_GRAVITY = 6.67408d-8
l = 0 ! Harmonic degree
outer_bound = 'JCD'
variables_set = 'JCD'
inertia_norm = 'BOTH'
!reduce_order = .FALSE.
rotation_method = 'TAR'
diff_scheme = 'COLLOC_GL4'
grid_type = 'LINEAR'
freq_min_units = 'UHZ'
freq_max_units = 'UHZ'
freq_min = 0.0071211757296827105
freq_max = 1
n_freq = 100
alpha_osc = 10 ! At least alpha points per oscillatory wavelength
alpha_exp = 4 ! At least alpha points per exponential 'wavelength'
n_inner = 20 ! At least n points in the evanescent region
summary_file = 'profile50-freqs-0.dat'
summary_file_format = 'TXT'
summary_item_list = 'l,n_pg,n_p,n_g,freq,E_norm'
freq_units = 'UHZ'
The output from GYRE is as follows:
Code: Select all
(expres) [jjo25@mo profile50-freqs-0]$ $GYRE_DIR/bin/gyre
gyre [5.2]
OpenMP Threads : 24
Input filename :
Model Init
Reading from MESA file
File name ../
File version 1.01
Read 1975 points
No need to add central point
Mode Search
Mode parameters
l : 0
m : 0
Building frequency scan
added scan interval : 0.1362E+00 -> 0.1912E+02 (100 points, LINEAR)
Building x grid
Found inner turning points, x range 0.0000 -> 0.0000
Adding 286884 inner point(s)
Adding 465957 global point(s) in iteration 1
Adding 172330 global point(s) in iteration 2
Adding 0 global point(s) in iteration 3
Final grid has 1 segment(s) and 927146 point(s):
Segment 1 : x range 0.0000 -> 1.1122 (1 -> 927146)
Starting search (adiabatic)
Root bracketing
INFO at line 86 <gyre_atmos:atmos_beta_r_>:
WARNING: Discarding imaginary part of atmospheric radial wavenumber
Time elapsed : 63.039 s
Root Solving
l m n_pg n_p n_g Re(omega) Im(omega) chi n_iter
Program received signal SIGFPE: Floating-point exception - erroneous arithmetic operation.
Backtrace for this error:
#0 0x7f9a9b802ebf in ???
#1 0x518bfa in ???
#2 0x519c73 in ???
#3 0x7f9a9be2cdf5 in gomp_thread_start
at /root/sdk2/build/gcc/libgomp/team.c:123
#4 0x7f9a9b9994bf in ???
#5 0x7f9a9b8c7162 in ???
#6 0xffffffffffffffff in ???
Floating point exception (core dumped)