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No modes for l=0?

Posted: Wed May 11, 2016 9:40 am
by THurst
I have recently begun using GYRE on MESA models. Everything seems to work properly for l > 0 but when I said l=0 no modes are found. Is there an option I have to set when l=0? My output looks like this:

Mode Search

Mode parameters
l : 0
m : 0

Building omega grid
added scan interval : 0.1500000000000000E+00 -> 0.9000000000000000E+00 (250 points, INVERSE)

Building x grid
x points : 820 [after CREATE_CLONE op]
x range : 0.0000000000000000E+00 -> 0.9999990527148389E+00

Root bracketing
Time elapsed : 0.911 s

Root Solving
l n_pg n_p n_g Re(omega) Im(omega) chi n_iter n
Time elapsed : 0.000 s

Re: No modes for l=0?

Posted: Wed May 11, 2016 10:14 am
by rhtownsend
The reason GYRE isn't finding any l=0 modes is that you're scanning over a too-low frequency range. Radial (l=0) modes typically have a dimensionless eigenfrequency > 1. So, try shifting your freq_min and freq_max parameters in the &scan namelist to a higher frequency range.

