I'm trying to run gyre_nad on an FGONG file, but I get
Code: Select all
Root Solving
l n_pg n_p n_g Re(omega) Im(omega) chi n_iter n
ABORT at line 794 <gyre_coeffs_evol:tau_thm_1>:
tau_thm is undefined
STOP Program aborted
Code: Select all
call ec%init(G, M_star, R_star, L_star, r, m, p, rho, T, &
N2, Gamma_1, nabla_ad, delta, SPREAD(0._WP, DIM=1, NCOPIES=n), &
deriv_type, add_center)
I can of course translate the FGONG file to an HDF5 file if this is really the issue, but I just thought you might know.