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Figures for Chapter 5 of `Galaxies in the Universe'
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Figure 5.1: section through a CCD chip (sideways)
Figure 5.2: section through a CCD chip (top to bottom)
Figure 5.3: NGC 7331 in R-band, CO and H alpha
Figure 5.4: NGC 7331 brightness cut showing bulge and disk
Figure 5.5: Sombrero galaxy NGC 4594
Figure 5.6: Ursa Major group: luminosity and color by type
Figure 5.7: edge-on late-type disk galaxies
Figure 5.8: Ursa Major group: M(HI)/L by luminosity and surface brightness
Figure 5.9: center of M100 showing inner bar
Figure 5.10: M95 in UV and optical
Figure 5.11: path length for radio interferometer array
Figure 5.12: Earth rotation synthesis for radio array
Figure 5.13: NGC 7331 in HI
Figure 5.14: NGC 7331 HI surface density with radius
Figure 5.15: HI mass vs optical and HI diameter for disk galaxies
Figure 5.16: NGC 891 in HI, H alpha, radio continuum and optical
Figure 5.17: S0 galaxy UGC 7576 with polar ring in HI and optical
Figure 5.18: velocity field for rotating disk
Figure 5.19: spider diagram for rotating disk
Figure 5.20: NGC 7331 rotation curve decomposition
Figure 5.21: rotation curves for disk galaxies by type
Figure 5.22: NGC 7331 HI global profile
Figure 5.23: Ursa Major group Tully-Fisher relation
Figure 5.24: UV-optical spectra of disk galaxies
Figure 5.25: coarseness, concentration and color by galaxy type
Figure 5.26: M100 spiral structure in optical and HI
Figure 5.27: NGC 3949, a flocculent spiral
Figure 5.28: angles describing spiral pattern
Figure 5.29: spiral patterns made from oval orbits
Figure 5.30: pattern speeds and resonances in a spiral pattern
Figure 5.31: spiral and bar forming in an N-body simulation
Figure 5.32: barred galaxy NGC 1300
Figure 5.33: simulation of gas flow and orbits in a barred galaxy
This page last modified: 7 Febuary 2008
(or later if we forgot to change the date)