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Figures for Chapter 1 of `Galaxies in the Universe'
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purposes only.
All Chapter 1 figures as a tar file
Figure 1.1: spectra of main-sequence stars
Figure 1.2: spectra of giant and main-sequence A stars
Figure 1.3: abundance of the elements
Figure 1.4: stellar evolutionary tracks, solar metals
Figure 1.5: evolutionary tracks: influence of metals
Figure 1.6: night sky spectrum -- optical
Figure 1.7: atmosphere transmission, optical bandpasses
Figure 1.8: Milky Way
Figure 1.9: celestial coordinates RA and dec
Figure 1.10: Galactic coordinates l, b and R, &phi, z
Figure 1.11: 'Hubble' galaxy classification
Figure 1.12 (left) giant elliptical NGC 3998
Figure 1.12 (right) dwarf elliptical NGC 147
Figure 1.13 (left) barred S0 galaxy NGC 936
Figure 1.13 (right) irregular galaxy NGC 4449
and here is a color version from Hubble Heritage
Figure 1.14: Andromeda galaxy M31 (north at the top)
Figure 1.15: night sky spectrum -- infrared
Figure 1.16: galaxy luminosity function
Figure 1.17: apparent brightness of galaxies vs redshift
Figure 1.18: cosmic timeline
Figure 1.19: extragalactic background radiation
This page last modified: 9 February 2007