51 total fibers; 6 sky fibers; Head height x width = 4.2mm x 4.15mm.
A new HET/IFU design (HexPak)
The outer dimensions of the head shown here are identical to the above Spider head. However, we would like to increase one of the dimensions to place sky fibers at a good distance from the central array.
51 total fibers; 8 sky fibers Head height x width: 4.2mmx4.15mm [postscript] [jpg] |
51 total fibers; 6 sky fibers Head height x width: 4.2mmx4.15mm [postscript] [jpg] |
51 total fibers; 6 sky fibers Head height x width: 4.2mmx7.45mm [postscript] [jpg] |
51 total fibers; 6 sky fibers Head height x width: 4.2mmx6.35mm [postscript] [jpg] |
51 total fibers; 6 sky fibers Head height x width: 4.2mmx5.8mm [postscript] [jpg] |
51 total fibers; 7 sky fibers Head height x width: 4.2mmx7.45mm --CHECK THIS [postscript] [jpg] |
Here is an ugly option for a new way:
Purchase Connecticut Hypodermic custum-cut 0.75in length, thin-wall micro-tubes; make micro-tube array, and place one fiber per tube. I estimate CH's 26TW micro-tubes are the smallest we can use. This yields 457-467 micron OD and 292-330 micron ID. This will drastically increase the spacing (factor of 2), but will improve on FRD characteristics and polishing since we can use Norland. However, with space limitations in width dimension in long-slit probe in FIF from LE, this limits interesting geometry of array. Here is a default array:
51 total fibers; 7 sky fibers Head height x width: 4.2mmx6.35mm -- CHECK THIS [postscript] [jpg] |