This page will describe in detail how to plot spectra of a single DensePak field. If you want to plot Hydra spectra, please read the note at the bottom of the page first.
IDL>fibers3 Enter fits-image name: dp.fits Enter starting wavelength of region: 6570 Enter ending wavelength of region: 6580 Enter minimum intensity: -15 Enter maximum intensity: 500 Enter plot title: NGC3432 - field 1
automatically adjusted intensity scale (
fixed intensity scale (
Note: The background will be white and the axes black when printed onto paper.
IDL>set_plot,'ps' IDL>device,file='',xsize=7,ysize=10.5,xoffset=0.5,$ IDL>yoffset=0.5,/inches IDL>fibers3 Enter fits-image name: dp.fits Enter starting wavelength of region: 6570 Enter ending wavelength of region: 6580 Enter minimum intensity: -15 Enter maximum intensity: 500 Enter plot title: NGC3432 - field 1 IDL>device,/close IDL>set_plot,'x'i.e. you have to run the program again to write the plot into the postscript file. You can change the size and position of the plot on your paper by changing the numbers in xsize=7,ysize=10.5,xoffset=0.5,yoffset=0.5 above.
Note: If you want to stretch the x-axis and plot in landscape format to be able to see more details, you can do so by using e.g.
IDL>device,file='',xsize=10.5,ysize=7,xoffset=0.5,$ IDL>yoffset=11,/inches,/landscapeas your postscript device. IDL is a little screwy here, as it still relates the xsize of the ps-file to the abcissa of your plot and the ysize of the ps-file to the ordinate of your plot. The zero point for the offsets, however, has been rotated 90 degrees with the sheet of paper, i.e. the yoffset counts along the x-axis (into the opposite direction) and the xoffset counts along the y-axis. This is why you would need something like xoffset=0.5,yoffset=11 to print in landscape format.