(Updated: 3/12/2001)

Plotting DensePak/Hydra data

This page will describe in detail how to plot data of a single DensePak field. If you want to plot Hydra data, please read the note at the bottom of the page first.

  1. Measure the properties you are interested in, e.g. using splot in IRAF.

  2. Create a table with fiber positions (given in arcseconds) and the values you want to plot. Sky fibers and broken fibers should not be listed in the table. Fibers with no detection can be given the value "0" to produce open circles later in the plot.
    Table of fiber positions
    Sample table (dpexample.rslt)

  3. Look at your DensePak data to find the minimum and maximum value (e.g. min=150, max=300) and the number of lines in your table (e.g. 86 in dpexample.rslt).

  4. Copy the IDL program fibers.pro into the same directory where your DensePak data are.

  5. If you haven't done so yet, copy the following lines into your .Xresources file in your home directory.
            ! IDL backing store
            idl.retain: 2
            idl.gr_visual: PseudoColor
            idl.gr_depth: 8
    You have to restart your computer, so that it reads the changes in your .Xresources file. This can be done either by logging out and back in or by typing the command
            xrdb -merge .Xresources
    under UNIX.

  6. Start IDL (in the same directory where your DensePak data are) by typing idl under UNIX.

  7. Create a square graphic window by typing

  8. Start the program by typing fibers. The program prompts you for the name of the data file, the number of lines, the minimum and maximum value and a title for the plot. E.g.:
            Enter name of data file: dpexample.rslt
            Enter number of lines: 86
            Enter minimum value for color bar: 150
            Enter maximum value for color bar: 300
            Enter plot title: NGC4449 - vel. (km/s)

  9. Your plot will look similar to one of these:

    Note: The background will be white and the axes black when printed onto paper.

  10. To make a postscript file of your plot (e.g. n4449.ps), type the following commands in IDL:
            Enter name of data file: dpexample.rslt
            Enter number of lines: 86
            Enter minimum value for color bar: 150
            Enter maximum value for color bar: 300
            Enter plot title: NGC4449 - vel. (km/s)
    i.e. you have to run the program again to write the plot into the postscript file. You can change the size and position of the plot on your paper by changing the numbers in xsize=5,ysize=5,xoffset=1.5,yoffset=5 above.

  11. To exit IDL, type exit.
Note: It is possible to modify the program fibers.pro to plot several DensePak fields in one graph (Example, IDL program) or to plot Hydra data (Example, IDL program). To be able to do so, you have to change the size of your graphic window and the size of your postscript file accordingly. You also have to change the position of the plots and their axis ranges in the program fibers.pro. For Hydra data, the size of the fiber field may be too big to plot properly scaled fibers, i.e. you may want to increase the radius of the fibers in Hydra field plots (see Example where the fibers have diameters of 30").
There are many possible fiber setups and therefore many plotting possibilities. It is impossible to cover them all with instructions on how to plot them. But I hope that this step by step guide for plotting a single DensePak field will help you to create the plots you need for your data.

Special thanks to Matt Haffner for helping me write the program fibers.pro.