WIYN / Bench Spectrograph

Off-Axis Collimator

The current collimator is a parabola with a focal length of 1021 mm, and its optical axis aligned with the central fiber in the slit. Because the fibers are aligned parallel to each other, the fibers at the end of the slit use the parabolic collimator at an off-axis angle of 2.1 deg in the current configuration. (It is unclear to me, at this time, whether the off-axis aberrations are corrected in the camera.)

One possibility worth considering is to use the collimator further off-axis in order to avoid the obstruction of the feed. With the current slit-length of 75mm, this would require up to 6.4 deg off-axis angles at the slit ends. Are the aberrations so far off axis acceptable?

s   slit-length  75  75  75  [mm]
f.l.   collimator focal length  1021  1021  750  [mm]
Dbeam   beam diameter  150  200  150  [mm]
doff = Dbeam / 2   unobscured off-axis distance (slit center)  75  100  75  [mm]
doff-max = (doff2+(s/2)2)1/2   unobscured maximum off-axis distance (slit end)  84  107  84  [mm]
thetas = tan-1 [(s/2)/f.l.]  obscured off-axis angle for slit end (no offset)  2.1  2.1  2.9  [deg]
thetaoff = tan-1 (doff/f.l.)  unobscured off-axis angle (slit center)  4.2  5.6  5.7  [deg]
thetaoff-max = tan-1 (doff-max/f.l.)  unobscured off-axis angle (slit end)  4.7  6.0  6.4  [deg]

modified: Feb 13 '03, MAB