WIYN / Bench Spectrograph
Measured Spectrograph Input Beam Profile:
This postscript plot comares the measured
output irradiance patterrns for the 4 WIYN cables: MOS red and blue,
DensePak, and SparsePak, as listed below. The "reference cable" is
also from Bershady et al. 2003, and represents a carefully prepared,
spooled, glued, and polished single fiber residing in a
laboratory. The "full beam" is a fully-illuminated f/6.3 beam. The
"WIYN beam" is the obstructed f/6.3 beam input to the fibers
(obstructions from the secondary and central hole in the primary that
removes all light slower than f/15.2 -- see the WIYN Simulator.)
- Red MOS data
- Blue MOS data
- DensePak data
Format: f/, EE
Source: Smith & Conselice (1999, unpublished)
Notes: These data were taken with cables on the telecope. Some
details of the measurements can be found here,
but some comments made in the Conselice report are confusing and
unclear. For example, just how much light has been lost by the
baffling in the foot, and whether this was properly corrected is not
well known.
- SparsePak data
Format: f/, EE, dEE
Source: Bershady et al. 2003, in preparation for PASP,
"SparsePak: A Formatted Fiber Field Unit for the WIYN Telescope Bench
Spectrograph. I. Design, Construction, and Calibration"
Notes: These data are laboratory measurements, well-documented
in above paper. There is no vignetting from the fiber toes, and fiber
illumination and band-pass were well controlled.
modified: Feb 13 '03, MAB