ASTRO 735 - Problems

Set 4

Due: Mon., Dec 04, in class

1. Galaxy Counts - a simple model

Calculate the following quantities for the K band (A0V zeropoint):

In addition to providing me with plots, also email me your data files, clearly identified, with clearly identified columns.


(i) phi(M) with typical values for the parameters for the Schecter function approximating the total field galaxy luminosity function (LF; integrated over all types) in the B band (A0V zeropoint):

M* = -21.0 + 5 log h
phi* = 1.5 x 10-2 h3 mag-1 Mpc-3
alpha = -1.3

where as usual

h = H0 / 100 km s-1 Mpc-1.

(ii) B-K=4 in the rest-frame for all galaxies.

(iii) K-corrections specified by spectral energy distribution fnu proportional to nu-beta with beta = 0.5.

(iv) The luminosity function, phi(M) is non-evolving.

(v) The galaxy spectral energy distributions are non-evolving.

(vi) The galaxy spatial distribution is homogeneous.

(vii) The curvature is specified by Omega0=0.3 and Omegalambda=0.7.

(viii) The observer is able to detect all sources down to the apparent magnitude limits.

last update: Nov 20, 2000

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