ASTRO 735 - Final Problem

Due: Wed., Dec 13, in class   -- THIS CONSTITUTES YOUR "FINAL"  

1. Galaxy Counts - get real

Your task is to begin with the galaxy-counts model from Problem Set 4, and modify it to fit the observed galaxy counts as defined between K=10 and K=23.5 in this figure. This figure prescribes a simple, empirical analytic formula to represent the observed counts. You may find useful in your endeavor.

When you have matched the observed counts to your satisfaction,

As in Problem Set 4, please email me your data files for the counts and redshift distributions.

Here are some hints for what is at your disposal.

Start by modifying the no-evolution parameters provided in Problem Set 4. The parameters that you may choose from include:

(a) cosmological parameters Omegatotal and Omegalambda;

(b) single luminosity function (LF) parameters phi*, M* and alpha;

(c) K-corrections (beta). You may also consider beta(z), where beta changes with rest-wavelength), or actually try and adopt real spectral energy distributions (SEDs) and a filter transmission function. Use these K-corrections

(d) realistic LF which takes into account multi-components with separate phi*, M*, alpha and K-corrections;

We have discussed in class the relative sensitivity of counts on these parameters. You are free to adopt whatever parameters you would like, but you must note whether they are reasonable based upon what we know about the real universe. For example, we know a lot about the spectral energy distributions of galaxies, but their space density is less well determined. (See the literature; the ARAA articles by Ellis '97 and Koo and Kron '92 are a good place to start.)

Given the redshift distribution to K=23 predicted by the model in Problem Set 4 (see solutions), it would be remarkable if the galaxy population is not evolving significantly at the look-back times probed by real observations. If you have been successful with just the above modifications to a 'no-evolution' model, you have the opportunity to stop and join the small ranks of heretics who claim that no-evolution models can fit the counts. But be prepared to pursue some of the following.

(e) Evolution:

You may construct simple models for various kinds of evolution [typically parameterized by power-laws in (1+z)]. I will give some hints in class about how to handle evolving SEDs in a reasonably simple way.

Finally keep in mind that this is a fairly open-ended assignment but that I recognize you have limited time. Your goal is to do the best with what time you've got. When you can, think of clever ways to make shortcuts, and ways to check that your calculations are correct. You may discuss references or citations with each other, but not your actual work and results until after you have submitted your work.

last update: Dec 04, 2000

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