HOW TO USE THE 24" TELESCOPE ON DAVEY LAB 1) You will need keys to the roof, the dome and the computer booth. The first two are Penn State keys (labled "604" and "ST", respectively) 2) Open up the booth and turn on the computers using the power strip on the floor. Also turn on the power strip on the wall. This controls the telescope's drive. 3) On the Swan (486) computer, go into the TEL directory. On the Magitronic (286) computer, go into the LYNXX directory. Both are found directly off the top directories. 4) Start up LYNXX on the 286 by typing CCD. Make sure you enter the setup menu in LYNXX to turn the cooler on right away. 5) Start up the tel program by typing (as of 6/9/93) T5NEWER. This is the latest versin of TEL, specifically for the 24". 6) TEL will then ask you if the telescope motors are on. If the wall power strip is still off, make sure you turn it on now. 7) Turn on tracking in TEL by typing "track". The keyboard mode is on by default. To use the paddle to control the 24", type "pad". 8) Open up the dome. Use the 6' extension cord which should be to the right of the dome door as you enter. Make sure you unplug it again when it's open or when the dome is turned you will pull it out of the outlet forcibly. 9) The controler for turning the dome is near the door to the computer booth. The power box may not be on if nothing happens when the buttons are pressed. It is also near the booth door. 10) The filters for the CCD, extra eyepieces, light bulbs and software documentation are in the right hand drawer of the cabinet. There is a cross-haired, illuminated reticle for the guider scope in a black box there as well (this belongs to Dr. Garmire). 11) Make sure you line up on a bright star first, in order to zero the TEL program's coordinates, to make sure the finder and guider are aligned, and to focus the telescope on the CCD. Do this even if you observed the night before -- these parameters have been known to change mysteriously. 12) Note the light in the computer booth will be noticed on the CCD, so turn it off before exposing. You may want to create a new directory on the 286 for your observations. 13) When you are finished, make sure you type "PARK" in the tel program to put the telescope in standard storage position. DO NOT JUST TURN OFF THE 486!! Exit TEL using "exit", "quit" or "bye" (which are all equivalent). Otherwise you will lose the telescope's coordinates. 14) Exit LYNXX by typing Alt-X. Now you can safely turn off the computer and telescope drive power strips. 15) Shut the dome, turn off all lights and lock all doors.