Astro 293 - IDL Tips

Instructions for using IDL

IDL is running on a Sun Ultra-Sparc called sunspot. To use IDL, you must log in to this machine.

1. Logging in to sunspot

Choose a window on your AIX console and log in as follows:

o190% telnet sunspot.physci

Your username and password will be given in class, or else see me in person.

The first thing you will notice is that the backspace key does not work. Use ctrl-backspace instead, or type:
sunspot% stty erase ^h

where ^h are the two characters '^' and 'h.'

2. Setting up useable windows for sunspot on your AIX terminal

Next, let's get a decent window set up on your terminal that is spawned from sunspot. We'll set the window up so you can display graphs generated by IDL running on sunspot on your monitor. To do this you will have to invoke several commands. First, in a window logged in to o190, type:

o190% xhost

From now on, we'll be working in windows logged in to sunspot (with the exception of netscape, which we will continue to run from o190). In a window logged in to sunspot, type:

sunspot% setenv DISPLAY

where you will have to figure out what 'xx' is from the number written on the base of the pedestal of your terminal. Or ...

sunspot% setenv DISPLAY [hostname]:0

where you can get [hostname] from typing

o190% echo $DISPLAY

in an o190 window. But note that you will have to add the following suffix before the ':0':

Then to open new windows (where the backspace will work, etc.), type in the sunspot window:

sunspot% xterm &

A new window will pop up with the sunspot prompt. You can generate as many of these windows as you would like, or you can simply make do with the dtterm's. But you will need to do the other commands in any case.

3. Accessing your home workspace

Even though you are logged in to sunspot, you will want to copy files and work in your home directory that you use for your o190 account. Sunspot can see these directories, but you have to give it permission, as follows. On sunspot, type:

sunspot% klog [username]

where [username] is your access acount user name. The klog task will then prompt you for you access account password. Once you have done this, you can 'cd' to your o190 home directory from sunspot. If you can't remember what it is, go to (or open) a window logged in to o190, and type:

o190% pwd

This will tell you the path of you o190 home directory. Now be sure to load the needed files there.

4. Running IDL

To run IDL, all you have to do is type

sunspot% idl

and you will get in to this environment.

BUT WAIT! Before you do this, do two things:

OK, you have IDL up and running, and a new version of netscape. Before you get any further with the lab, be sure to load a software library that will be called by the programs you load later on. To do this, simply type:

IDL> astrolib

Now you can proceed with the lab.

Last updated: Feb 18, 1997 Matthew A. Bershady