; This is a VERY simple IDL program ; the semi-colons designate comments -- everything after a semi is ignored ; ; To start the program, tell IDL the names of the data files to be read ; The numbers 1,2,3,4 are equivalenced to the filenames ; openr,1,'u1.dat' openr,2,'u2.dat' openr,3,'u3.dat' openr,4,'he.dat' ; ; Now define the variables -- how many data values will be read in ; There will be 2 rows, each with 2560 elements ; u1=fltarr(2,2560) u2=fltarr(2,2560) u3=fltarr(2,2560) he=fltarr(2,2560) ; Now this does the reading readf,1,u1 readf,2,u2 readf,3,u3 readf,4,he ; And now you're done, so close the files close,1 close,2 close,3 close,4 end