Astro 1 - Lecture 7

Matthew A. Bershady

Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics

Penn State University

Fall 1996

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Lectures Lecture page Astro1 page

Cosmic Chemistry

1. Review Waves

Frequency and wavelength are inversely related


(a) higher frequency shorter wavelengths

In terms of sound: higher pitch

In terms of light: bluer color

(b) lower frequency longer wavelengths

In terms of sound: lower pitch

In terms of light: redder color

Components of a wave:



frequency () or wavelength ()

speed of propagation ( c )

2. Doppler Shift

You experience it almost every day with sound

When does it happen?

whenever waves are being emitted from a source,
(light waves or sound waves)

and ...

there is some component of radial motion between the source and observer.
(some portion of the motion is straight towards you or away from you)

Why does it happen?

If the observer moves away from the source, because all waves (light, sounds, or other) have a finite speed, it takes longer for a full wavelength to get to you.

the frequency goes down
the wavelength appears to get longer

If the observer moves towards the source, it takes less time for a full wavelength to get to you.

the frequency goes up
the wavelength appears to get shorter

3. Continuum and discrete (line) radiation and absorption

How can you tell if something is a blackbody?

Kirchhoff's laws

1. A luminous solid or liquid (or dense gas) emits light at all wavelengths. This produces a continuous spectrum of radiation

Why? Because such material is close to being a blackbody!

However, does all continuum radiation have a blackbody spectrum (Planck spectrum)? Even if we ignore line emission and absorption?

2. A low-density gas emits light at discrete wavelengths (or frequencies) that are called emission lines

3. A low-density gas absorbs light from a continuum source at the same discrete wavelengths. This produces absorption lines

The specific type of radiation you see depends on:

the type of material

the geometry

the environment

In astronomy, frequently one observes both continuum, absorption, and emission line spectra all at once.

4. Why there is discrete (line) radiation

Emission and Absorption

Analogy with gravity and orbits:

atomic nucleus as the sun

electrons as the planets

BUT! quantum mechanics:

energy comes in discrete packets or quanta

the energy levels of atoms and molecules are discrete
(electrons can't be in just any 'orbit' around the nucleus)

Whenever there is an energy transition, light (a photon) is either given off (emitted), or absorbed by the electron.

Emission: electron emits photon, and moves to a lower (less energetic) orbit

Absorption: electron absorbs a photon, and moves to a higher (more energetic) orbit.

If the photon has enough energy, it may even 'ionize' the atom, i.e. give the electron enough energy to 'escape' from the nucleus.

5. Putting it all together

temperature - from the shape of the spectrum, if it's a blackbody

composition - from the types of emission and absorption lines

``characteristic fingerprint''

geometry - emission or absorption lines

temperature and density - relative strengths of various emission or absorption lines

distance - doppler shift of identified emission or absorption lines

Why does this work?

When does this work?

I.e., when and why are distance and velocity related?

Q7.1 Imagine you are sitting in a giant cloud of tenuous gas in outer space. The gas is so tenuous, you can see stars through it, but you can tell that they are a little bit dimmer than they would be if you weren't in the cloud. Suppose the stars are perfect black-body emitters. If you took a spectrum of any of these stars from inside the cloud, what would you see?

(a) a blackbody spectrum

(b) a Planck spectrum with absorption lines superimposed

(c) a blackbody spectrum with emission lines superimposed

(d) a Planck spectrum

(e) absorption lines

Q7.2 You go through a red light and are stopped by a police officer. To get out of being given a ticket you argue: ``As I approached the light, officer, it appeared to be green!'' It works. Whom of the following should you thank:

(a) Kirchhoff

(b) Wien

(c) Stefan

(d) Doppler

(e) Planck

NB: Don't try this! It implies you were traveling at 0.3c -- 30% of the speed of light. You will get a very large speeding ticket. Get new brakes.

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Last updated: Sep 4, 1996 Matthew A. Bershady