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. . . Universe is static
. . . unchanging, not expanding
But then ...
. . . oops . . .
Measures the expansion
Both assume a homogeneous, isotropic Universe
no center
no evolution
no beginning
no end
matter (Hydrogen) spontaneously created "in between" Galaxies
and invokes the fewest ``tooth fairies.''
The microwave background
A ``primordial'' composition of elements, formed in the early, hot phase of the Universe, before further processing via fusion in stellar cores and supernova explosions.
- What about the ``Horizon Problem'' and the ``Flatness Problem'' ? (still an issue)
Needed: One more ingredient to Big Bang model
Bell Labs (ATT), New Jersey
T = 2.7 degress (K)
isotropic to 1 part in 105 (0.00001)
- Universe cooled during expansion.
- What we see today is this ``cooled'' radiation left over from the Bang.
But there are still some very substantial problems and questions not answered by the theory.
What isn't particularly healthy is the lack of a competing theory to question and challenge the status quo.
The Sun-centered theory was better than the Earth-centered one, but still left a few observations left unexplained.
(e.g. Mercury's orbit General Relativity)
(b) The Steady State Theory, erroneously.
(c) The Inflation Theory, correctly.
(d) The Earth-centered Theory, erroneously.
(e) The Theory of General Relativity, correctly.
(b) The theory of a static Universe could again gain wide-spread acceptance.
(c) There are still some observations and questions left unexplained and unanswered by the Big Bang theory.
(d) If we can't question the theory, it can't be right.
(e) The Big Bang must be questioned because the Steady State theory appears to better fit our observations.
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