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White Dwarfs ('' )
Neutron stars (neutron degeneracy)
- Temperature (T): measure of average particle speed
- Kinetic energy speed2
E = kT
Degeneracy is lifted when E (= kT) is roughly equal to the Fermi Energy
- 3 families of leptons
- 3 families of quarks
Easier for new particles to be created
After Helium core burning on Horizontal Branch ...
- volume of grape = 1 ton, i.e. dense
- intense shell burning:
- formation of nebula
Why white? ------ hot
Why dwarf? ------ small
enrich the ISM with dust
- projection effect
- longest path-length at edge
ISM = interstellar medium
cools and fades ................
(b) both are made of hot gas
(c) both have carbon
(d) both have stars inside them
(e) both are usually shaped like single evacuated shells
(b) core-bounce wouldn't occur
(c) there would be no Helium Flash
(d) shell-burning wouldn't occur
(e) in fact, it would never become a giant
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